Alertus Desktop Override Notifications
We are pleased to announce an exciting partnership between the Office of Emergency Services and Information Technology. Thanks to the help of IT, we are launching a new feature of our Emergency Notification System (ENS) that allows for desktop override notifications. The new software is called Alertus and is widely used across the state in public, private and educational settings. Alertus allows Emergency Notifications to override the desktop screens of all computers to produce an emergency message. The message displays for one to five minutes unless dismissed by the user.
All IT-managed Macs and PC’s on campus or connected via VPN will receive the software through a nightly software update. The Alertus system produces a new yellow (for PC’s) or white icon (for Mac’s) in the notification area on your desktop. If you do not receive the software update by Friday, October 8, please contact the Help Desk or your GeoTeam Representative.
If you have any questions about this new tool, please email
Common Questions
When will the software be deployed to campus computers?
Starting on October 4, 2021, all IT-managed Macs and PC’s on campus or connected via VPN will receive the software through a nightly software update for employee and department computers. Student or personal computers are not yet compatible with the software.
How do I know it was installed to my computer?
Employees can verify it was successfully installed once they see the following icons on their computer.

On Mac computers, a white indicator will appear in the Menu Bar once the software has installed. An example of the indicator is provided above.

On PC's, a yellow indicator will appear in the task bar once the software has installed. An example of the indicator is provided above.
If you do not see the icon by Friday, October 10, please restart your computer. You can contact the Help Desk if you still don't see the icon appear.
What if my indicator changes colors?

A red icon in the Menu Bar on Mac's means the computer is not connected to the Emergency Notification System. Desktop alerts will not be received when not connected to VPN or campus networks.

A red icon in the task bar on PC's means the computer is not connected to the Emergency Notification System. Desktop alerts will not be received when not connected to VPN or campus networks.
Can students download the software?
IT and Emergency Services are working on an opt-in process for non IT-managed and personal computers for our on-campus community. More details about this process will be released to the campus once the process is finalized.